Do You Want to be a Saint?
"What can one say to the person who says: “I would like to, but I can’t!” Nothing more than to say that one must want to want to! That is the first step. I want to means that I am using all the means thereto, while I’d want to means that I am afraid to use them all for some may cost me too dearly in matters of self-love." If we do not have a desire for holiness, we must pray to desire holiness. If we do not have a desire to even want to desire holiness, then we must let our prayer begin there. "God is at work in you, to will and to work for His good pleasure" (Phil 2:13). The Holy Spirit will work in us in so far as we avail ourselves to these actions and movements of grace... Come Holy Spirit ... "Such souls still are possessed by a great deal of self-love, egoism and even spiritual self-conceit. Must one want to be a saint? Of course, and firmly." To desire to become a saint is not selfish. In fact, if grounded upon the ...