God is Father
“I cannot think of anything more important for us than to work at establishing the conviction that God is Father.” What does it mean for me to call God my Father? Often I imagine some of us may cringe at the idea of “overemphasizing” the fatherhood of God. Whether we gawk at this statement because of our wounded relationships within our families, our religious convictions, or our political persuasions, Christians must work to boldly proclaim this scriptural reality: that to Jesus, and unto us, God is Father. As Creator, God is Father. The Father begets. God “fathers” creation. It is from God that all earthly men become fathers. Often we are afraid or resistant to call God by this beautiful, bold name because we see Him in light of our warped relationships with famished and fallen fathers. God is the first and the last, the beginning and the end—the first and the final Father for us all. To cry out to Him in faith, in abandonment and trust, is to be a true child. And this Advent...